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Showing posts from June, 2015

TPP and Vietnam Here is an interesting article written from the viewpoint of Vietnam about the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) agreement. It looks specifically at some of the likely impacts on expats, consumers, Vietnam's residents and the country's manufacturing industry. Well worth a read with lots of economics throughout: TPP and Vietnam: What will it mean for you? The article does evade some of the more serious concerns of the TPP, such as the likely benefactors being US multinationals at the expense of their new partners as well as being somewhat of an advert for the author's company.

Make trade, not war...

With the Trans-Pacific Partnership ( TPP ), the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ( TTIP ) and the (currently lesser known) Trade in Services Agreement ( TiSA ) negotiations making news, it seems many are split as to whether they are good or bad, and why. Surely, most economists have to agree that trade and in particular, 'free trade' among nations is a great thing. So why all the  resistance ?  One notable point is that aside from  TiSA , which has asked China to join the negotiations, the trade deals all leave out the BRICS nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. This is clearly intentional and should be the focus of a post another day...although this  Economist article  gives some great insight into the ulterior motives some claim may exist behind the trade benefits of the deals. Most people you could ask on the street wouldn't be particularly resistant to trade agreements just because China were left ou...