Economics: How relevant is economics during a pandemic and in what way might economists make things better?
This is an essay shared with us by Ee Jenn, a Year 12 economist at Garden International School KL, which has been entered into an economics essay competition. It has been a while since we have posted and following the recent pandemic and a period of online-learning, we are now back in school and wanted to get this blog back up and running so we can share some of the thoughts, ideas and wonderful work from within our community. We wish Ee Jenn the best of luck with the essay, and hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did... How relevant is economics during a pandemic and in what way might economists make things better? The economy is socially embedded in modern society. Almost every individual is an economic agent, impacted by the decisions of economists, corporations and legislators – economic crises spillover into the everyday lives of individuals; vice versa, seemingly un-economic environmental crises like natural disasters or pandemics have proven to have detrimental economic...