Welcome to the intriguing world of international school economics, where the seemingly mundane task of organising a Year 11 prom unravels into a captivating exploration of human behaviour and economic quirks. Behind the scenes of this student-funded, annual extravaganza lies a fascinating tale of pizza sales and pricing strategies. While the casual observer might dismiss it as a simple fundraising effort, a closer look reveals a complex interplay of economics, psychology and social dynamics that intrigues me... This post is my attempt to unravel a perplexing phenomenon: the curious case of seemingly irrational pizza box purchases by students. Here, I delve into the factors that might be influencing these decisions, aiming to not only illuminate the humorous aspects of economic decision-making but also provide valuable insights into the complex realm of human choices and preferences. Image source Pizza Sales and Pricing Strategy: The Year 11 prom is a student-funded annual event....
In the bustling world of academics where examinations, assignments, homework and extracurricular activities all clamour for your time and attention, it’s easy to underestimate the power of a seemingly simple act: showing up . A dig into the research has led me to believe that there is so much more to the relationship between attendance and academic achievement than the obvious and strong positive correlation we often talk about here in GIS. A full class! Where IGCSE and A-level subject results are concerned, it seems that attendance is way more than just a formality; it's a strategic investment with very tangible returns. Plenty of studies point towards this; a recent UK government blog post called " Why is school attendance so important and what are the risks of missing a day? " is very clear in its answer: attendance is paramount and the risks of missing a day are high! Every day at school is crucial and missed days can accumulate rapidly according to the article, whic...