Welcome to the intriguing world of international school economics, where the seemingly mundane task of organising a Year 11 prom unravels into a captivating exploration of human behaviour and economic quirks. Behind the scenes of this student-funded, annual extravaganza lies a fascinating tale of pizza sales and pricing strategies. While the casual observer might dismiss it as a simple fundraising effort, a closer look reveals a complex interplay of economics, psychology and social dynamics that intrigues me... This post is my attempt to unravel a perplexing phenomenon: the curious case of seemingly irrational pizza box purchases by students. Here, I delve into the factors that might be influencing these decisions, aiming to not only illuminate the humorous aspects of economic decision-making but also provide valuable insights into the complex realm of human choices and preferences. Image source Pizza Sales and Pricing Strategy: The Year 11 prom is a student-funded annual event....
Welcome to EconomicsToo... Analysis, explanations and content for IGCSE and A Level students...excel in your studies, ace your exams and fall in love with economics, too!